What's Tower Hall All About?

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He's in here with me, All right, with some Michael. There's a couple of other different engineering's industrials. Definitely one of the smaller ones, but your group? Yeah, whatever. How hard are they? Yeah, we have a biomedical, industrial, mechanical, a bunch of other one's. Sweet mind telling us, like your favorite thing about living here, being a sea view, a favorite thing and really like. Yeah, that's like there's a sweet thing about living here is like your kind of close everything close to the beach. I mean, the Grand Canyon's pretty far, but like, we still drove in today, I'm no deal. What's your least favorite? It was his favorite. So really hot down here and really around in the South. That's pretty cool on the second story right here, but nice little view school. Not too bad. And then in here? Yeah, the bedroom. Like I said, three people live here, so I don't know which bed is yours, Michael. This one's this one behind me, and then there's, like, a bunk. Heads a little low for some people who write by stall. You combine extension if you're tall, human being, um, little cabinets. I think you guys bought some of this stuff on your own.