What's In My Backpack at Princeton University!

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Welcome to my door My little home away from home So today I'm gonna be showing you what I carry in my bag my tote bag on a daily basis to get me through the day Get me through school and yeah, I hope you enjoy. Um, first, I just want to show you the two bags that you So I go between this black playing Black Herschel book bag. I've been using her shell backs for the past couple years, and I really like them. Then on other days, when I want to look more formal, I supposed I'll put my stuff in this tool bag and this I got from Marshall's for, like, $30 you guys will find really quick on this channel that, like everything in my life, is from Marshall's. I do like to have it for when I head to the library or wherever I go after my classes to do some work. I got this cute leopard print case from Amazon, but Rose Gold, definitely the way to go. This, uh, black case was probably 15 or $20 on Amazon. A lot of people walk around campus with their beats, but to me it's like too bulky to have them in my bag all the time. So I would recommend that to keep your bag later and not It's bulky. What's so convenient about this is I don't like use binders for my classes or anything. I just have this mega folder that I put a little label on for every single one of my classes so late. Um, this person right here is that Spanish puts my little labels on. So then I can put all my papers and assignments in one, like, localized location so that I never have to be looking for anything because I would really just happens to my book bag at all times, and I know that I won't be losing anything, So I highly recommend that. Then once in a while, I clean out the pockets and organize it into binders here in my dorm so I don't have to be walking around with them. So that's something that I've been going through since high school. I definitely have to like, clean it out, but highly recommend this day. I'm sure you confined like any type of eight pocket 10 pocket folder online. Okay, In addition to like having the papers that I put that I put in that folder for all my classes, I make sure to have one spiral notebook Roma classes. Um, I found that one a one subject like these basic 70 sheet notebooks that are like 10 cents at Wal Mart in the beginning of the year. I just have one for each class, and then I'd like got so cute little paper and made a little label for it. It's pretty basic, nothing complicated, and I just make sure that I grab it in the morning, depending on the classes. I like not being super heavy because they're really light, inconvenient and yes, so that's basically all I do for my classes. I make sure that I have a pocket for it in my giant everything folder. I make sure that I have one spiral notebook and then I have a biography in my dorm toe. Organize things when I do clean it out once in a while so that I have things kind of organized. Keeping your keeping hydrated keeps your brain going, So definitely do that. Case from it literally came for free with my glasses. Um, and then last is basically my cute little pencil case. Um, I don't know if you guys have seen ads for the app. Um, only thing about that is that it takes like, probably a month or two months for things to come because it comes from try. So this cute little pencil case keeps everything I need in here. These pencils, um, they're the paper made Sharpe writer pencils. I think people don't realize it because they the racer you don't, like, pull up, push the lead out from the eraser because to me, like when I turn around to your race, then it, like, pushes let out, and then it really ruins everything. So this you just have to, like, twist this to get the lead out. So it's so much more practical in practice, so I highly recommend them. Those were like the things that I have on me at all times. Um, it depends on the day if it's raining, Actually, most days will have my umbrella on me because my hair just decides to get busy for no reason. So I really can't have it getting wet because that'd be even worse, but yeah, So those were my bags. Hope you enjoyed it all links stuff below, in case you're interested in getting anything I talked about. Um and yeah, thank you so much for watching, and I hope to see you soon.