What I made SURE to do after clicking send!

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Hey, guys, I'm Natasha and welcome to the millennial state. So today we're gonna be talking about things to do after you already submitted your common application. What's next? So basically, I'm gonna tell you that these things that I did, things I wish I did that we hope will help guys relax and just make it through to cause decisions to my first piece of advice is checking confirmation e mails so afternoon submitted applications through the common act or through the school's website. Usually you get confirmation email making sure that things have been said another process or that they've been received by this. It's really special to check these just to make sure that everything went through all right, because a lot of people are on this on the service systems trying to get these in, and you don't know. I just want to make sure that everything went through because, you know, there's nothing you could do about it. The deadline's been passed and they didn't receive rebates on that also goes for testing agencies as well. So you want to check to see if you got any more from the college board to make sure that your C T scores went through. You want to check for a mouse a C T. And to make sure a C T scores went through, he doesn't say anything. They need them to process your application, so just make sure that everything's been sent along those lines. My next piece of advice is checking their counselor to make sure that they sent your transcript lives recommendations, especially because they can be really overloaded with work and they just send, especially if your concerts have a lot of studying to sign them. You just want to make sure that yours haven't slipped under the radar. That being said with things that your concerts responsible for sending usually college a little bit more lenient with that signal that it's not really in your power, if they said things a little bit late, don't panic. Usually schools are okay with that, but you really just want to make sure checking with them and following up to make sure that those things get submitted. So the next piece of advice is don't read any of your essays. It's not doing you any good to re read your essay, and then they're gonna find a mistake. You're gonna find somebody left in a panic about it, but there's really nothing you can do. So why yourself? That stress? So the next piece of advice is Do visit schools. Don't visit schools that with a higher You spending a lot of money by flying out there planning a huge road trips because it's usually not worth the money. So this really applies to really competitive school that apply to that. Did you really early on, when you're deciding which schools to apply for a 25 to in the first place? But in that in between stage before you found out, I just might not be worthwhile. I would wreck, resigned over going to schools, maybe drink spring break, because usually by then you've definitely found out I suppose you're you got into as by then you could take that lesson. You know, you've got into true your party's truth. What's always want to visit him there and they go. It's really important to get a feel for the school or the people that are there to see how you like it. There's no use agonizing just kind of goes along with not reading your essays. You re meeting your application because can't fix any mistakes. You should be relieved that you're done seeing a Blade Rentals days and supplement to responses all that. Just be relieved that it's over with and kind of, let it go. Just decide that you're gonna be a peace with whatever happens, I promise you, you're gonna end up where you need to be here and make the bust where you end up, so don't worry about it. My last tip is just enjoy seeing your years, Really, just these last few months of just being kids, not a lot of responsibilities not having Thio adult yet. Usually years, A lot of fun trips or how to baste the bottom of your class. I definitely know the feeling of being done with senior year. Not that I didn't love my high school experience. I know the feeling of kind of being ready for the next step and definitely do. Like I said, these are your last few months with with these people, these people that you've been going all through high school and sometimes even medals for elementary school, so cherish your time with that you might not see them again. It's gonna be a great time, but it's gonna be different, right? It's gonna be a whole different, whole different ballgame, So just enjoy where you are right now. Those are my tips for what to do after you've already said your applications. I hope that helps please, like this video and subscribe. Um, do you think that it helped out with your friends, please.