what college students wish they knew before attending gw

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Hey, guys, what's up? Its emergency and welcome back to my channel. It's a Saturday right now, so campuses kind of dead. But if you guys remember, think like, a few weeks ago actually goes You guys remember back to the beginning of this semester I made a video talking about things that I wish I knew before I came to G W. So I felt like it would be, like, a great idea. Ask other people around the campus just like walking around. So my question for you guys is What do you guys wish that you knew before he conveyed you? W I wish I knew about all the opportunities there were to get involved on campus specifically to your career. I feel like I'm involved with a lot in the bio department. I didn't really think I'd get that before you're in l A right. Like, maybe more specifically about, like, the atmosphere of D. C. And how, like culture is different. Uh, you know, just how the city is in the vibe of the city. I think you only get to know that by living here. Uh, yeah, I think knowing about the student organizations and what's actually available on campus, like I'm wearing our senior year, but we still find, like, Oregon we want doing now. So knowing what the opportunities that you know, we can offer early on to be hopeful. I wish I knew how hard it was to feed myself because, like dining on the world or cooking or doing that, I should so much work regardless like It's great. I guess I wish I knew how to balance like an independent lifestyle a little bit better, because everyone here is like, very independent nature, and I think it's because it's a city school. I guess you kind of assumed that there would be, like communities in college where, like, people kind of band together over things. I think here everyone's kind of like on their own. It definitely kind of startled me in the beginning. We're like advisers, great, eccentric center with here, and it's like you realize it's not actually like I don't know that Mr Resources are not. You feel like you'd rather have a guiding just Oh, not I do not like that. A few years ago, when I was a freshman, we have called culture history and feeling carving for, like, another vision of gallery. What do you wish you knew before you came here knowing that you're on your own in college? Like nobody's really idea? Very. You'll eventually find that try than your friends. Do you have first friends do some talking? First friends? Actually, I think I had first week, but I think I made that. I am here with free, huh? You guys not hear from the logs. I mean, So what do you wish you knew before? You can Probably that Gilman is not the place to be. Go to seize your S, C h or Marvin because that is where you'll see everyone. I kind of wish coming here that, you know, despite the fact you know, it's a large school, you're stable. What do you wish you knew before you got here? Definitely had a plan. Because I feel like there's so much food here, and I never know what Tiu want to eat it. Honestly, everyone into W's a skinny legend, huh? Just what do you guys wish you knew before? You can t w So everyone always said it was a city campus. I was kind of really like that? Because I wanted something that was more like a typical college field. I wish I do that D c was like that is expensive, Like E. Yeah, I wish I knew what? I can't wait to get to a role. I just wish that I could explore D. C. Morgan. One thing I wish I knew was kind of how competitive environment is. Kind of how a lot of people try and make you feel like you're not good enough. I think you just have to keep pushing forward and really confident in yourself and not let other people's opinions of you kind of be how you define yourself and things like that. So I just kind of wish I knew that was how people would be. Me, like a week later, I forgot, Like actually in this video. Let me know if you enjoyed this contact because I am switching it up. I tried to suck it up a little bit, doing something a little different. Guys, thank you so much for watching Ivan Emergency, and I'll see you guys later.