Welcome to my room

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I live in process, so it's a little smaller than walls and brown. No one can ever convince me that any other houses better. So important thing about dorms is everything in this room that you see is wooden is provided by the school. Your chair, your desk, your bed, you get one little drawer thing, and obviously I don't have to provide my own closet. So they've got me covered with that just for some extra storage. I also got some drawers just for my ski stuff and some extra clothes just to stay organized. Um, yeah, as faras desks go there, They're actually mine is bigger. If you don't want to do that, it's totally fine. So the beginning of your mind was this part was actually broken. It wouldn't come up all the way and I put in a work order and it was done within, I don't know, two hours, so especially towards the beginning of the year during move. Ah, then me and phillipos air both lost it a little higher than the normal person, just so we can fit all our stuff underneath. So the school also has a program We have a I'm not going to zoom into much because my magnets are little vulgar, but they're pretty funny. So this is my personal fridge, and I have my own personal microwave that I bought. Basically what the school has is a program, especially if you live far away. Let's say you're an international student. You can rent a fridge, a microwave for the year, and I think it's a lot cheaper than buying one. I just had one for my sister, so I brought mine. My skis and my crutches from a female identifying people or, you know, anyone who's interested in here? Um, I just have Should be this hack you know, definitely very useful. It's pretty cheap about the closet, So mine are, But mine is built into the wall. I'll try to get in there and show you a room you know, we're about to go on break. See, you have to make do, but we do have these little doors Phillipa has heard closed currently. Most people keep it open, but it's just something that's pretty useful if you want it.