Welcome To My Room!

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So I'm currently outside my room in the village here at CBU. This is one of the like, newer, freshman living areas. They just turned it in to a freshman living area last year. Cebu has the twelfth best storms in all of America for college campuses. So still let you guys know that, all right, it's kind of messy, but that's just how it is so. So you won't tell us a little bit about sea view, your major, what you do? Um, I am business administration. Great place to be one tells the world about this administration and what you do and everything. I'm just train the That is not what I plan on keeping on switching In the marketing, Love learns about a fifteen better, more of a social person, like not working. It's currently getting really busy right now. Yeah, Lucky I can plan piano Very good hour And then I'm gonna get backto work. So in our room were always playing music, Got a piano here. This is basically like a front kind of living room area. As you can see behind me about living room next to it, we got the kitchen. We got drones all over fridge is would see my canvas. Yes, we got a lot of dishes and single Now there's kind of space with there. This how to me? There's six people who live here. We kind of rearrange your furniture all into this room with the TV. You could rearrange the furniture like however you want, but.