Welcome to my Home Away From Home!

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Enjoy these next few clips of my building before we go and check out my room. Kind of give you a little Have you? This is my side of the room. I have a shelving unit here that I brought myself a swell as a rug and a table that my room and I brought. Um, I have a printer in here, but that is not something you have to bring the campus. There are prints, centers and tons of different places that you can get stuff printed. So I'm just going to a little rundown of all of the things that you can have in a dorm room. So this is what a traditional double room looks like. We have our own beds, our own desks, which are right here. I won't show that just for my roommate's privacy. I brought this little shelving unit I brought from home just so I would have some shelving on my desk. Uh, the shelves from before there were over top of my bed Can be put over top of your desk. You can bring power chords of the safety feature on them that allows them to shut off. I put lights around our does just to have it be a little fun. We actually have this court board in here before we moved in. So we've just been pitting some of our stuff up there. Um, I have some hooks hung up, not only for my towels, but I decided that I wanted to hang some stuff up for my masks. We love holidays, so we're able to change the lights. So each side is for a different person, depending on what you and your we might want to do. Sometimes you could just go sideways, But my roommate and I would like to have it. Her side, my side, and something really cool is your key. See, I can put my key into here, but it's not gonna open it. So you have a little extra spot for your stuff to be, Um, everyone gets their own closet. So if we come over here, so I'll show you my clothes it in the last club, you got to see that there were two closets. So it is a pretty simple cause it, but it does have a lot of space. Then I have my laundry and we were told to bring a chair like a lawn chair to school this muster, just in case we wanted to have outdoor us, or you want to eat outside something like that. You would be able to pull out your chair with you and eat outside. I'll give you guys one last look before we leave, but I can't wait for you to see my classrooms in the next videos by.