Welcome Center!

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So I am standing currently in front of the welcome censor. Um, and the welcome center here at Bridgewater is the place where you go for financial aid. Azul Seon, that last clip transfer students can come here to get more information on the school and classes. Well, not necessarily in here, but also in the library. There are also there's also place to take tests. So if you have a disability, or if you think that you may have a disability, let a learning disability on DH even for some physical disabilities, you can either go. There are other places like I showed you Boyd in that's what's cool. Kids call it E. I showed you Boyd in and the before the last on DH. That's where actually, you will go to find the Office of Students. They are very instrumental in some of the things that we've had gotten on campus you can find. Actually, our president of the university works in Boyd and whole. So that's to make it seem like this's a microcosm of the larger global world. The Boyd and Hole is our equivalent of the White House. Yeah, and so, yeah, um, you can find the officer student success in diversity, which have already said, reiterating that the president's office is in there. You can also find there are also some classrooms in Boyden Hall. Like, I took a history class, So I did a study, uh, medieval toe early modern Africa on by When I took it, it was actually located and Boyd and homesick for, uh, great class. So if you if you come here and you want to class about Africa, take it with Dr Beckett.