Welcome back to the library! part 2

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There's a bunch of computers down here must have free printing out Baker paper and printing is for you. There's not a page limit per day, no limit on anchor, anything like that. So that's pretty cool back here is our study abroad forward Study abroad is pretty popular. So if you're interested in doing that, pretty lots of people do it here. Advisors are really flexible with adding it into your schedule, making it a part of your baker experience. There is a really popular destination for a lot of Baker students, and a bigger university professor goes there every semester of here. Um, sports being in any school bring a lot of international students to Baker, which is kind of unique and fun. So lots of international students on campus do we even have some who are tutors? So this is the tour aboard tutoring this free. You can also get a job as a tutor if you're really proficient a class, but they're always sitting this table back here during different times of day. Those two have a riding center and student economic success. Those are services to make sure that you're getting the most out of your academic experience. If you break your arm and you need to write notes for a test or a quiz they got you, they'll have a student. One of the many great things about going to a small university. The Mac lab on to our regular computer labs for statistics, classes, business analytics, classes, things like more. People think it's so weird that I'm talking to my father. There are more a little study tables back there, but library, as most people know, it's a great place to study. So he wanted to write a paper three a. M. On Saturday. Our key card access during the weekend and then after ten on the weekday. So people who are not a bigger factor your staff or students can't get in here, which is really nice, always wanna keep you safe.