Weekend In My Life: Back to College Prep

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I look crazy and we're like my gym clothes, but also a fanny pack and so many colors going on. It was hard, but it is, like, really good, you know, is a music video classes they like playing music. Video is like such a mix of cardio came on and I was ready to go. Like, what else would you expect out here? You know, I know a lot of me eating lunch now. So you guys gonna read a shower? Just like angel close to do anything I know. I know you big quit is Saturday, but it's like the Saturday before class. Like getting all the relaxation before go to class work. It's like this little corner of eliminates and there's, like, that squeeze in here and then water and all that, but yeah, I'm gonna enjoy this and catch up on Riverdale to see what episode I last watched. I'm so much like remind myself that that's gonna happen. It's going pretty well, to be honest, my moment, Laundry. Trip may work on my resume, and you do that, but I don't know, and from feeling like we'll see, we'll see. I actually thought that the last time I talked to you is gonna be like it for the night. I'm still pretty tired, but hayes, I don't look presentable, but I'm going out to the world. Well, Marshall could have this really nice water, but what we wanted and I'm excited about it because the new water bottle means lots of drinking water for you guys. Where you may resume, and we're gonna go to Marshall, See if that water bottle which I'm humps about usual things that get me really excited new water bottles and stuff like that. Yeah, I'm probably gonna call it a night after we get back. I'm pretty excited, like honestly, good guys, this is the water bottle. So in the end of the long tonight, because I'm just gonna go to bed. I just worked on himself in the organization that I lead. Sent out some e mails. Um, and I needed to do this for today, but I know everything. We're excited about going solo, but I am excited. So I'm gonna go work out and get on this to do list. Look, you are tissues, like three tables to do this. Here's my bread. I don't know why the toaster has been burning the bride poster, but that's a story for another day. So I'm gonna go get my Invisalign eat breakfast, and then, uh, likely nothing already. I'm feeling for a salmon burger on Brad some avocado on spinach. The public's video that won Today's doing so well, which is I kind of like crazy for me. So it's it's pretty exciting if you have Nora Neat. Guys, literally nearly out of thousands of drivers were just so exciting. You guys love the nicest comments on my last video to like, you look so pretty and so gorgeous. Not like pretty, you know, like like a decent human being in that video. So when you can see this one, you were like, Oh, nice video. Look, uh, it's fine because tomorrow, um, weaken, my life starts and I'll be going to school, and I'll actually be making myself look presentable because I like to, like, look you for class because, honestly, I'm not looking cute for classes. Like what Melican kid would like to go out on the weekends Like that's the only time I'm gonna look, you don't know. That's just that's just not enough for me. That just seems like, I don't know seems questionable. It was like, What am I looking nice for her? I feel like in the day to day I look nice there that are, like, feel good during the day so that I'm active in my classes and like, a wake. Yeah, if I was just, like, getting cute getting pretty like g o out on like, you know, I just I feel like I built on a fake. I know it's like a weird little thing, but it's like the perfect amount of, like, sweet tender midnight with I'm watching some logs. I know it hasn't been the most interesting how athletic, But I'm probably just gonna edit this video for the rest of the night.