Week in my Life as a Musical Theater Major!

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I did a college day in my life last semester, and you guys loved it. I have classes all day, Monday um, my mother, once the schedules are the same and there so hectic, so I don't know just me. So I'm just gonna be doing a, um, week in my life starting Tuesday to Friday because there's no point in blogging both of those days because I probably won't get that much finished anyway. So if you guys want to see that, then I will definitely do that. So we're gonna do that super fast and then, um, head on over to class state singing at one. I feel like I have to feature you in every video because you've been here since day one, Jackson. You guys talk about that square, you know, everyone dies. How do you know so much about you right now? Like this is actually not my first school. The rest of high school you were walking to tap currently taps e made thes peanut butter cookies the other day. I will catch up with you guys later when I make dinner, wears finished dinner. What do you hear? So morning, guys, I am currently getting ready to leave. After that I get a break which I never get a break on these days, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna come home or from I might end up just staying there because it's only like an hour. Then I'm seeing Charlie Brown tonight at my school at eight toe. Today are salty snacks at our heels class in ballet teals for badly or now an industry standard in musical theater auditions to enjoy being a girl. The court of the Lord get to go see Charlie Brown at our school tonight in like the studio. You're so dramatic about the way you're saying all the flour because we all know I like cauliflower, man, that perfect. Anyways, I'm really excited for me, but way won't Charlie Brown see, that was Hello, guys. Um, after Charlie Brown, which was so good, it was so cute. If you know me, you know that Charlie Brown is like my brand. I love Charlie Brown, all of like in the movies and every earning And I have, like, multiple Charlie Brown T shirts and I have Charlie Brown socks and I looked around I'm sorry, Didn't log too much throughout the day Today My days are pretty hectic, but I will give you a low down of sort of the situation of what happened today. Then we had to just, like record her doing the compliments that we have something to sort of reverse with before we come to class. So thank goodness we got to do with her before the actual day of or else it would been a train wreck. Thank you, Jenny, if you're watching this, I know sometimes Jenny watches my blog's thank you so much because you are an angel for playing that horrible, massive a song for us. Like as you guys saw, I went to Starbucks and I watched some YouTube videos that I hadn't seen after that was acting, I did my scene. In the locker room, we have a big dressing room, locker room went belly, get our heels class. Um, Jesse know doing ballet in like, three inch character heels, even if they're Mike's character. Heels hurts so bad. Like by the end of the class, the balls of my feet and like my metatarsals like my toes were aching us. Are you tired? She's like I'm whole tuckered out for the day. Like I literally could have a whole day to do what I need to do. We've been literally just sitting here watching superstore all day long doing like basically nothing. Okay, They haven't you know yet? What? Just finished making some cookie dough. We've got some chocolate chip with these bacon way, guys. If you guys watch Christian Jones on YouTube, she has a hole. So I'm walking to class and I left a little early, Um, because it's the last day of school for spring break. So that's where I'm headed first, because our poster for Lysistrata I'm seeing it began, says the performing arts center of Like These Air the theaters in case anyone ever comes to see a show here. If you guys don't know, Today's my first day of physical therapy, so hopefully things go well. Please let me know if you want to see more of these college weaken my life's or even college a day in my life's and stuff like that. Because I know that you guys really like the last time I did a video like this. I do fashion, lifestyle, travel, hope you guys stick around. I love you guys so much and I will see you guys in my next video.