Was Freshman Year Tough?!

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Gonna tell you guys it was tough or if it was a little bit easier if it was weak. Oh, I'm gonna So you guys, this we're all different people. We all have different paths where I'm gonna go through different stuff, Okay? So don't feel bad. If, um, your first mess during thing is not as good as your friends. Um, and I'm saying I'm telling you that I didn't have a bad experience experience doesn't mean that. So I'm gonna have a terrible experience in college. Okay, So you paying for this? You want you, you want your food and right? So that means you need to do the work so you can have that little fresh little solder that crispy. Dates are Don't try to take matters into your own hands and try to control something. Wanna one teacher ever her work? It is not hard for tests are not hard. We have to do is take the notes, participate in class and you'll You'll like her a lot. All my nose I used to rewrite my nose to study for her class. This stuff is not It's not like, Okay, let's go through the motions so I can pass this class. I took algebra two and the reason why I was put in that class because of my math placement. They place you like no matter what you made on a CT for your math, you're going to take a math placement test this summer. That's whatever you make is gonna be where you're put. They just want to make sure that here thoroughly learning basic met. Surprisingly, some of the stuff that I learned at you, Baby, I did not learn at high school. Plus you'll need access code for that um, go to Amazon. Don't go to the bookstore cause for the bookstore, you're gonna charge you 100 something dollars. If you take her If you take her, you do not need the work. These are essays that I've routine and vanilla Are these new envelopes and folders so you'll need folders. Oh, my God! Out of people that have taken her might not agree But she is She's a She's a good teacher to me because I've made a nay on every paper So I kind of understood what she was saying. I took her in my first semester for my first writing class and then I took her again because my logic is I know how you grade. Then second semester I took, I took the English. I don't know why, but I took business 1 10 And that's financial literacy. In the beginning, I failed my first test, to be honest with you, and that's because I'm not good at word problems. Um, if you're not good at word problems, don't Don't don't be scared, because my teacher that I took was Miss Miss Jack. So if you take her, I highly recommend she's a great business teacher and she's not gonna let you fill. It's basically it's basically basic math, but its word problems and you're solving business problems like, um, learning how to calculate your Tex Is your Social Security, your monthly payments and and learning about sales and business that I took pre calculus. I took pre calculus with, um, He's not American, so his name is kind of difficult, but it's called mirror gunk. Isn't ah, young Indian man? He's an amazing math teacher. You do need a workbook for his class because he wants you to have it open. You can't just sit there and do nothing, don't don't have headphones in his class, don't have homes in anyone's class. If you would like to volunteer, don't be afraid, because that's the best way to learn by trying in my opinion. So if you're able to get these teachers and you would like to see, you can't mind you, there's a period where you can withdraw from that class. I passed with a C. I wanted a B or higher, but like I said, this class was kind of a struggle for me because it's work problems and I'm getting better at where. So I passed with C um only had four tests that whole semester and the fourth test was the fun. So you have three normal tests in one final, and it goes by quickly, unless C last semester. Same from last semester for English and then my business 101 Um, four tests. So it's not like you gotta study all of your notes from the beginning of the year to take your final gets a regular test. I don't know why they call it an exam when really you're the exam is just on the stuff that you learned.