Walking through Coleman Hall

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I am a thie bond lit building, which is, um, the humanities building. So we have all of the history classes and the language classes here right now. So I'm going to try and take you guys into some of the classrooms and some of the class types. There are also some really pretty fall abuse from here. A little view of the main quad. Look at how pretty everything looks and those are just people walking to class. This is the class that I was just in it for my women's class. There are about thirty to forty people in this class. Thie average faculty ratio at Bucknell is nine to one. So this is probably my largest class that I have a very You hear something main course. Pretty, and right now I am going to dining hall and getting taken behind me. Then I'm taking it back to my room, and then I'm taking nice to the theatre. It Look, this is one of my favorite spots on campus. It's just this little part right here, and it's just really nice to watch sunsets on our sketch. You probably can't see it, but it's there. That's when we have a lot of assemblies with the whole school. It was really pretty a couple weeks ago, and now the leaves are starting to fall. Um, here is the entrance of the main quad, and then over there is where we are going to the CAF. It looks so tiny from the front, but actually huge. We have a peanut butter grinder, which is really fun that I used, like every single day. We have a group in free and peanut free station ice cream. There's like in the area there's my name makes my way.