Walking back from class with Aly

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She's a friend of mine, and she's going to tell you a little bit about what life is like a tweeting from her perspective. I'm a Christian education and ministry major with a Spanish minor. I am the freshman class of Chaplin, and I'm really hoping to get a hunger. It's a program called human needs, and Global Resource is It's basically a six month internship and study abroad opportunity. You can spend six months in any country taking classes and working alongside an organization that has to do with your major. I'll be somewhere in Latin America doing something with ministry. Yeah, that's a little bit about me and other questions. What's your favorite event on campus Fever offense? Oh, gosh. We had something called Freshman Speed dating a couple weeks ago, and it was just the funniest thing. We got to meet a lot of just students we didn't know before and just kind of talk and laugh together, which was awesome. See your favorite and least favorite part of campus life. Come least favorite part, I think would just be how stressful a lot of people are. Just because he is a really big in their academic way have lot of work to do. How we can talk about our faith with anybody, anytime in or out of the classroom. It's just I'm going discussion, which I love, so Yeah, well, so they come to Eton.