Walker: In which Ben wanders around the 4th floor.

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Hey, guys, it's been here, and I'm gonna be taking around the Walker building, specifically the fourth floor of the walker. Looks like, uh, just up here, We got some people just kind of chilling in here, but you can reserve them, and you can also, just like, you know, it's kind of what the average room here looks like. I'm also currently passing what is known as the Advanced Projects Lab. It is one of the computer labs that are here in Walker. So if you ever need do some stuff, there's that. We got some study rooms on the fourth floor. We also have some on the fifth floor and on the sixth floor, too, on DH. There also just really good quiet places for you to get work done or meet with people if you have to. So right over there, behind me over my shoulder is the Student Life Office, campus life campus life office. I was wrong, but in there you get stuff for, like, stuff about organization, stuff about residents, life. That's where you go with any questions for stuff in that regard, and it's a good time. That's also where you get, like, posters approved and whatnot, so very important resource to knowabout take advantage of otherwise. Valley journalism and whatnot like, hey, that's generally gist things, guys.