Walk through Smith Music Hall with VickyD

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We're currently in Smith musical and what to say. How are they practicing? You say? Because there's something called study And one looks like these are the practice room. If you are interested in studying music, performance, music, education, music, composition, anything like that, these are awesome rooms. I mean, sometimes there are tune, but that's all right. This is so that people really can't hear in practice, but they don't really work because I can hear everyone practicing. Comes with the music, a piano, a bit of a piano and a seat. Whenever you leave you Smith, it's something that I like to call Narnia. It's the most magical thing ever, and I cannot wait to show you because it's hilariously awesome. It's probably not as awesome as I say it is, but I there's also a room up here. Then I'm personally not gonna put on a video because I'm not supposed to know how to get in it. Unless there's say you could play the drums in man, it's all homes. If you're a music major, you know the password.