Vlogmas Day 7| Last Day of the Semester| University at Buffalo

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So a block or two ago, I let you all know how I need to start working late night chips next semester because my body just can't handle the pain. Like I said, I worked from 8 p.m. Toe one in the morning. So I got off Thursday morning at one property and go to bed until Thursday to end. I remember when I got off work, I came back and I turned my alarm off. In the morning on weekdays, like a wake up on time for class. Remember coming back, turning my alarm off the get go on glass, right? Not going class. I'll tell you, it was nothing but God because I literally woke up at 10. Am thinking to myself, Do I want to go back to sleep? And then it hit me like girl, you got an exam today Completely forgot that my geoana for exam was not during finals week, but it was in class long story short. That's not gonna nab three hours is a whole sleep. Okay, but my body was just that tired and I didn't go to bed until, like, midnight or one AM last night. Like, that's what Mrs The Log must But we're back off love. If you want me to do, like a recap video talking about my semester this year, whatever the upside down, whatever let me know. Other than that to this Mr was rough, okay? And I'm just glad to be done. Next week it's finals week and then the next week After that, I go home, so I'm just thank you, Lord. So today's class I kind of thought about skipping, but on the schedule, it says class wrap up. She might want to say some stuff like, Thank you guys for a good semester, Whatever. I don't know, but I figure why not go after that? I'm thinking about going to the library to, like, fill out more internship score five for more internships. I'll take you unless it today Let's go. It is so bright right now, but I'm back in my room for a few reasons. Number one is I do have a class right now, but I got a message from my professor letting you know that she dropping the four lowest quiz grades and I was gonna take a quiz in class. I calculated what my average is gonna be with dropping the four lowest ones and not take getting just a zero on today. I'll have a 94 average, which is in a which means that if I had taken the quiz today, it wouldn't have helped to hurt my great. Secondly, I decided to come back because while I was doing my work, my computer crashed, which is mad annoying because now I don't know if it saved what I did. Another little side? No, just you guys know that the work I was just doing was not for any class. Now it's for my study abroad. Opportunity. So I did not see you guys before, but I'm saying it now that I am studying abroad, which is an amazing opportunity. I'm not going to say when, and I'm not gonna say where just for, like, safety purposes, but also because people really be plotting your downfall so you can't be giving people all the information straight out, right? Just know that I am setting about. It's also a business opportunity, obviously a business student. That is why I'm studying business in this place. It's really great without, like, our program itinerary in, like, schedule and everything like that. We also got our coursework and what we have to complete. So there's about six or seven assignments that I need to complete before I get there. Not difficult assignments, but nevertheless still got to get them done. So that is what I'm doing right now about to make some food. I'll probably just ate it tomorrow for lunch after I get back from church. My main concern is making sure my computer turns on like I told you guys before it crashed today and want to crash it like I would be able to turn it on, but it would turn right back off. So when I put it on the charge of when I got back, it was flashing red and not flashing green. So I am praying, hoping that the only problem was that it just needed to charge because so we're gonna find out, right? Okay. Like I said, the reps of this logs if you enjoyed it, makes you like common Subscribe. Please remember to be kind to everyone Piece.