VickyD tells you about the Harless Media Room

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What a lot of freshmen or really, a lot of students in general don't know about is the Harless Media Room, which is right outside the doors right here it is locked right now in the way that you unlock it is by going toe well, men home. Woman Hall is in the Commons building, which is right there. The Commons building is another another dorm, and they're kind of like Apartment T, at least in my opinion, you get your own room, you get your own bastard bathroom in your own space. When you get a well, menthol, you go to the front desk and you say, Hey, can I check out a key to the coffin to the Harless media room and then you go in there and I don't know if they're still being bags in there. There's a big flat screen TV. You can watch movies in there. You could plug your computer up in there if you want to. It's a really awesome room, and it's a fun time. If you want to have, like a party with your friends.