VickyD tells you about the Campus Christian Center

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The CCC is a really good place if you are a Christian and you're looking for friends to get together with your new friends, that bullshit with the vision centres of Great place to go, they have a lounge in there called me a copy lounge and they have couches on and head of the office. Trav E always puts awesome snacks in there for other cause. She does come in that that that come in there, you don't have to be a Christian to go in this building. You don't have to be a Christian to go this college. In case that you are a Christian, there's a campus center right on campus. This is what it looks like from this angle and on down the line. Um, yeah, it's It's a really cool place myself. John, it's called, so I can't think Well, but I go in there all the time and I've made a lot of great friends. They're Christian and non Christian, so it's just a really great building for students to go.