VickyD bumps into Eddie to talk about his experience at Marshall

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You're a music, Major P ECE. All you do is music, but it's great like you love music. Go ahead because you're going to take a friend of ours. So you're taking fifteen classes, fifteen classes? It's well, that is not that much at all. Like if you love music and that's all you want to do with your life freak into it. Speaking of music majors, I just found the most lovely man in the entire world. What can you say about the music? Education, music, tradition? Curriculum? Yeah. What about the program? What would you say the high school kids to make them want to D'Oh o live? Well, if you're really devoted to being a music teacher and public schools and there we go and you want to make a great impact on on, uh, students lives, then it's great at the junior high and high schools start making that investment. Yeah, it really takes devotion, but I think it's very rewarding.