Upper Quad...home of the Cadets

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There's a name for it, but I call it the Cadets squad because here's two door that one over there. Those to specifically on campus are Dorn for the cadets. That there is like the old power family powers and supplies all the hot and cold water for campus and electricity. I've never been inside it, but I'll show you the front of these two doors. Oh, now we're at the back of my art center, which is like air downtown. So now we're in the front and I don't know if you can see, but right here there's a Magno and that diagonal This I don't make a bee and then this little time and extend that way. That makes a tea, which is a B and E. T with T going at the top and in the middle of the bee that you'd be Regina, Text told Logo. So around campus, you can see, like many of that, not just here but in other squads around the campus.