UNT's Defining Factors

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I want to quickly discuss like the mascot the slogan basically the whole general idea when you think of you and t spirit So the slogan here is mean green. So people will say that like we mean green, go mean green, green and wider. The Eagles name is scrappy, and the hand sign for you, aunty, is actually an eagle claw. So what you do is you put up a peace sign and your thumb, and you just kind of pinch it like that. I just can't do it and make it sounds right. I just sound really silly, But just know that during the games and people do this eagle claw and call really loudly and say going green. So that's the U. N T Spirit Football games, basketball games, all kinds of sports games. So ask for the available clubs on campus there, hundreds of organizations on campus, we definitely do have Greek life here, and it's a big deal, but it's not centralized, as many other colleges would be. It's definitely something that has a big standing. If you are interested in joining Greek life, there's coed, but also like single gendered fraternities and sororities. So if you're into that, do some research and find out what kind of stories attorneys that we have. As for sports, I would definitely say that they're a big part of you and tea in the culture. If you don't go to the games, it's not like you're different from anyone else. Sports are definitely something that unites all the U NTI students, and it's a lot of fun. So the types of sports that we have our football, basketball, women's, volleyball, tennis, we have softball, um, swimming and diving tennis. There's so many and we also have rec sports, so that's more the specialized like producer. U N T is actually a really big music school, so that's what a lot of people come here to do is music and we're very, very known for the jazz program, so definitely do some research on that as well. Dentyne host a huge jazz festival every year, and it's actually coming up. I'm really excited because I get to see all the awesome culture that surrounds didn't and ask for some of the most popular student organizations on campus. I would definitely say that, like, the biggest ones are going to be Student Government Association, University Program Council and Residents Hall Association. So what? Those are basically people that represent different parts of you and t like the first one. Obviously, student government's going to be talking about policies and different things about you. Auntie University Program Council host all these free events like you've seen a right previous videos and then Residents Hall Association focuses on the needs of different residence halls and their residents, and I'm actually in Residence Hall Association. There are hundreds of other workers on campus or eggs is short for organization, so that's what I mean by that. When you come here, take a look at that and you conjoined lots of words is many works is you want. There's even an organization called My Little Bronies. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called, and it's like guys who watch my little ponies, so that's cool. There's so many service organizations if you're needing service hours or if you have a passion for volunteering, that's definitely something that's really emphasized here. That's basically a general overview of what you could do here at U N. T um, to make most out of your time.