University of Miami Freshman Year Reflection

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Looking back last year, like, where was I like, never would have imagined I'd be doing things that I do now that they really opened up my mind. So I'm really glad that I liked remained open to them. Some people will find their friend group the first week of college, first day of college or whatever and stick with them for like, I guess the rest of the four years but like that's not the case River but win the case for me. I definitely say, like, be open, like go out with, like, different groups of people See what's the lay of the land does. Also you're like me people who were you seen? Count on who you can rely on, especially when you're going out in college, because it can be like very evil. So you want to make sure that you're with people who are gonna like, keep their eye on you and make sure that you're good to go. We didn't really, like all become a solid group of friends until, like, the second half of my junior year of high school, like solidly first Mr Senior year, we didn't all become like, as tight knit as we are now, it takes a wild making friends, and first muster, I feel like by the end of first most I don't feel like I have really clicked with anyone other than, like my roommate. I'm so happy that I like stuff with it and stuck with, um um because, like, obviously really worth it, try not to keep too many walls up, because that is one of things that, like inhibit those friendships. On just, like be opened being like one of those people because people will surprise you and they'll be like So you're like me. We came from completely different places and completely different lives and, like, we still are you saying, like, How does that how does that work? You know, that's one of the most amazing things about colleges, like meeting people from completely different places. Um, from like where you grew up or meeting people from even like, basically where you grew up in, like finding each other. Really? Now getting down to some, like practical tips. So one of the things I really enjoyed this year was that I didn't have writing classes. They're like a great way to meet people is well, is obviously like other students work there. Um, so that was, like, really cool getting to work with her every day. Um and then my boss is like, super cool cell, like it's really fun going into work. Um, and it's like, really got a great experience and strict for the resume. Just do your work, get your grades right, because that's really the point of college. It's not really about, um, like having toe work or do any of that, because all this will be doing that later on. I don't think you can find anyone across the U. S. Any other school that you could find a group of people that could, like rally harder than you have students like I don't know. They're eating three square meals a day and living their young lives, which, like, go more power to you getting those grades right again, get it get all caught up in instrument feuds in the Snapchat stories of people like at the club every night, like you don't you owe me that even if it's like Friday night Saturday night, you're like all these people out clubbing. Like, I really thought that I was gonna be like, a party. The whole partying culture can be like, really toxic first. Then it's just like, you know, Do you really want to be, like, objectified and, like become this just like you which, like, slab of meat and then, you know, be like getting drunk every night like, well, I don't know. Actually, don't really like being and like a large groups of people who are just, like all like, raging, that's like really not my scene. I had quite a few of those, like, really appreciated them so much more than any nights that I went out. Like don't so many people, it's like meeting people of first week of college like Oh, yeah, I'm premed in premed and pretty bad, and you're just sitting very like, and it's like no judgment to those people. It's really colleges are really expensive thing, especially if you go to your home. Like once it stopped eating meat just like really the tiny house and not doing it for me. If your editor and you can probably live begin, it's really art's pretty hard. Many people tell you this, especially if they know anything about you. There's so many things that could distract you, and you can really like falling to it, and I just say do it all in moderation. I've got to think like all schools would sell anything that you people talk about. I'm so obviously because it's not really anything. I remember once we got there were, like trying to see, like, What's the deal with my going out? But like once, if you don't really know the lay of the land, it's like pretty hard to like, figured out. I got really good grades semesters, so I'm not, like, stressed about it. Other schools, like I'm not really like Feli discuss it all the gory details. It's not really my life to be going out. There is not another week police in that capacity and, like the large party capacity, is one thing you really just hanging out with, like your children friends look every night like That's different. Like I said, I'm going to Canada really soon, So I will definitely be blogging every single day.