UNF Library

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Chances are on a classic Tuesday, you're gonna see me hear Sistani, then Neat. Um, on the second, on the first and second floors, you can be a slot as you want. Woods means I always hang out on the first and second floor because I'm super loud. Um, another cool thing about the libraries that you can also eat in here, which is really cool, because there's a Starbucks, like right over there. I want to show you guys this year's and there's this Chloe, this is really cool, but the stairs are really pretty, so honest you goes nice view it's for you can work by yourself, and there's also a lot of tables by thirty work with other people, which is cool. It's super gorgeous, and we always Parker bicycles on, um, statues because they're built for that, which is also a really cool thing about you. Another cool thing about you enough is that the whole campus is like a nature preserve. Like all of the landscaping and everything is like there's like a lot of endangered species and stuff and like really rare plants and everything, like, over there, you can see in the pots and stuff. Um, a lot of those, like, aren't commonly found in Florida, but since the nature reserve we of them here.