Tremont St: In which Ben deals with lots of noise while giving you a tour!

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Hey, guys, I'm gonna be taking you off around Tremont Street, which is down here and over here. I just walked past the crazy intersection of Boylston and Trauma. You're gonna be seeing a lot of that if you ever come in person. We got this great You a little building under construction. Uh, over here, actually, is the Cutler majestic theater. It is the nicest theater that Emerson has used to be like a vaudevillian theater, like one hundred years ago. I know the Emerson stage like musicals go on there. I think that you're in town this semester, which is pretty cool, but yeah, there she is. Got to sixteen from on is the Union Savings Bank building with our classrooms. We got the counselling and psychological services and we got, uh, health, wellness, billboard. Peter, a lot of important stuff is gonna get you guys out of here. Just like you guys know right now that, uh, like Emerson is in the middle of Boston, and that means that, Yeah, it's exciting. There's a lot going on like construction and all kinds of different people, and it's, uh, something that sometimes takes getting used to. It's loud, it's boisterous, it's exciting, but it's, uh, it's a really good time in Boston is just really beautiful. You get stuff like this just all over the place, which is great. Henson is where there's also a lot of classrooms and stuff. It's also where radio stations or Emerson are located there, right? Actually, right here. That's why there's all this music like being piped out here and let's see, Oh, there's also a lot of like a, uh, stuff that goes on here. We got some back at the offices of the president, lived on the top, and that would have left. WeII just kinda pretend you what's that? But, yeah, that's Anson. Basically, it's also worth mentioning because so many people would come here. Film people, we got the an C lows that's right by campus, and it's fantastic. They always got some really good stuff playing, and everyone loves to go the movies while they're here. A lot of people in Movie Pass and they just reinstated it here, which is great. Teo, Uh, definitely a unique thing about Emerson Boston that you really don't get anywhere else.