Tour of UT's Payne Theatre

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You know, they have all the six your crab platforms, things that you may need throughout the show cooking. So if you're here as an acting major, you got to show you wanna put out, talk to somebody. So I don't know what showed will to go on here. All I know is that I'm setting it up and it's a crapped on work. So what I've done so far in here, this is where my classes? Because I'm working media crew. So that means I hang projectors, Like I said, set up the computers. So the not exactly lighting, but the media stuff of it. Keep saying media like you're supposed to know what that means. Okay, So days there's projectors hanging up there. Like, project crap onto these toe, help the show that makes any sense. Walking through here, um, there is where, you know the booth where you can see everything actually take You guys look into the catwalks. You're about to witness me, not go up in a harness and the cat walks because It's an ordeal I'm probably gonna have to put one on later. Well, see, I try to avoid it as much as I humanly can. Well, did you know there's a lot of walking ut like I said and a lot of frickin just stairs. Especially when you're Dina Ranger still up here. This is normally where sound and media would be in some land and people. Yeah, that's what we were, uh would be my set up. What I really need is a monitor computer interface on a stuff. This is where sound goes sound of media two different things.