Tour of My Suite!

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So now I'm going to take you on a tour of my suite. I've been collecting them for a while since this is my second years and all right, And I'm going to be in our next year, too. So if any of you guys decide to come to Stony Brook, I will be here as an array in Roth Quad. So let's under my roof or my sweet rather and this is what it looks like. You get two sofas, they could be different colors on DH. You get a table, and then we can take you on a tour of the bathroom. I say we like me and LeAnn LeAnn sitting right there So double mirrors, double sinks and that little thing and then below. There's also a thing where you can put your stuff. Well, it looks like this just a normal toilet on, then shower with a curtain. Uh huh, another curtain and then just like your typical shower. This layout is really awesome because obviously you get one whole bathroom for four people. So this is sweet style, and we have someone that comes weekly once a week to clean our bathroom. They actually cleaned our bathroom today, which is why the two things are so nice. Well, some sweets have two rooms of some sweet have three rooms and then some sweets have four or five rooms. Was that here in the you three or you for toll, Chavez or Tubman? Or if you're in West apartments, which is also for upperclassmen. I'm in room A so we can take on a. So each room comes with two closets. So this is about the size of a closet right here and yeah, So closet solving a lot of shoes space, and then the back has hooks, so you could actually hang your towels and your robe, etcetera. Looks like this, and these are actually kind of cool because you can pin different things on there. Then each desk also comes with three drawers and a chair. There are two chairs, two deaths and two closets, then going over here. So Vivian actually moved out into the other room because one of our suitemates moved out. So that means that I get this room to myself, so it's actually meant to be double occupancy. Then when you're in our A and someone who's out mid semester, you actually get the single, which is kind of cool. So then I have my fridge right there and I have a nespresso machine. So I mentioned before that Roth is the only undergraduate college or only quad that has air conditioning. Then eat Person gets two of these, so one and two and there's actually two more behind there that are kind of just hiding, because I don't obviously need four sets of two drawers. It's actually a ting size, but because I put two Twin excels together. Yeah, so I will show you now the B room, which is a room that you will be placed in if you come to stony broke and you're a freshman and you're sharing a room with one other person or maybe to other people. You can bring your fridge here so we have two fridges in the common room and yeah, and We have Lands TV right there, and that's my reflection right behind my head, and that's Lillian and they hung that up for my birthday, so that's really nice. So and said he and it's actually sleeping, so we're going to take a very quiet door. We have one desk, and then we had another desk, and then we have two beds. This's bad. And then each person has two tours, as I mentioned, So there's one drawer, that one right, and the same on this side of one.