Top Ten FAQs about DU

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Welcome to our video about 10 unique facts about our school, the University of Denver. So first fact is Devi 2025 which basically means that by 2025 the entire campus is gonna be completely renovated. We're gonna have a lot of new dorms for freshmen on you, like a bridge over a crosswalk with dining hall inside community comments with a Starbucks and renovated library. So if you are a freshman this year, you will get to enjoy some d'oh. So the second you want to talk about is the dining Muslim campus. Two of them are buffet style on one of them, this restaurant style, where you pick your food from one of four different restaurants. Generally the studies are open until eight o'clock, and we have something called Lee Dinner, which starts at nine o'clock. You have to be in something called F. Cem, which stands for first year seminar. It's basically just a introductory class to help you get to know other freshman, and it can be kind of a random topic. Ours was called thinking, which basically was about critical thinking and then somehow also about statistics. You can also she's a really academic one or cheese or not so academic, depending on what you're interested in. So the next thing is, you're gonna need 183 credits to get a degree, do you? That's not a pretty high number, because usually crosses are for Fifth Pact is that we are on the quarter system as a school, which means instead of having two semesters, we have 3/4. So the first quarter runs from September to November, and then we have, like, Thanksgiving and all December off, then winter quarter is from January to March, and we have one week of spring break. Then spring quarter is from April all the way to the middle of June. No, it's sometimes good and sometimes bad thing. So the six fact about do you is that they're five door in. Two of them are sophomore dorms and have a look around campus for two years. Okay, so do you use actual ranking in like the U. S. News rankings is 97 which has gone down in recent years. So the eighth fact is that there is Allegro Station on campus. We have our own stop on this realization can take you right into downtown Denver, or it could take you out to the suburbs. If I were you, I'd bring a car because investing to Colorado's get out into the mountains, which is what a lot of people do. The city is also nice, and it's pretty big. We have around 6000 people, so for a college, that's not that big. We have a pretty nice into new big campus, so it never feels so. Last fact about do you is that we have a great study abroad program, and most people take advantage of this usually junior or senior year. Up to a year, I think, on something you should take advantage of.