TJ Day Classrooms

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So right now I'm standing in the basement of T J Day, which is one of the main actor my calls on campus. As you can see behind me, there's like little study areas here. TJ Day has the most like classroom type places on campus, so they also have a majority of different types of classrooms. They have more lecture hall style, and they have more like the typical high school classroom that you would typically see. So right now I'm going into one of the more high school ish classroom type settings. Um, there's desks, tables and chairs and blackboard and a whiteboard back there that the professors used to teach on DH. This is where a lot of the like bigger classes were held. Sometimes chemistry will be here just because there's more space for people like creative writing history. That kind of stuff happens in T J Day, so today's really hub for a lot of academics. A lot of stuff goes on here, and these classrooms can be used for, like, multiple different things, impossible. It's not just like a single class that's in there. Uh, this is I'm going to go into another one of the lecture hall style class. I would say that where you can see that the desks, they're set up there like more circular. So everyone is like, circled around the professor that is teaching right there. I like this because you feel more involved and you're not just sitting in like stacks of chairs and a lot of classes that one feel they're like this where you'LL sit and like a circular formation so that when your professor is teaching and stuff, everyone can, like, talk and get their opinion out there and there's no one sitting in the back that's just being in order, whatever that brings up. Another point I want to talk about is the professors. They If you come to Lynnfield, you will definitely be pushed to your limits because professors don't let people sit in the back and not talk. So if you show up to class and you sit in the back and you don't talk and you don't participate. That's going to get you farther in the future, and it's going to be more beneficial for you in the long run.