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So whenever you do your financial aid, um, see if there's anything to requests for that and if not, what you've got on campus, talk to your schools. You and probably got something done rather than going out. If your friend is trying to get you to come out or something like that, it's okay to say no. So make sure you you try to have a strong base on your studies and social life, and if they don't understand why you're not hanging out with them, then they probably not. They don't just give you that whole 10,000 for that semester, and then you you don't fill out again right until the neck until the next year before the next year. You especially books, because these books are ridiculously expensive and some teachers don't even we're sliding again. Like my advice for that is, I used check dot com to find the best books you can rent them online. A lot of buses they do, But like I think you need a parking, not a parking um, apartment of something to ride the bus because they're not free, really know Blaze experience. Going back to what she said about the the books for your glasses. Just so you know that, um, you'll use them because some professors don't require you to use the boat like it might say book required on your or your syllabus. So wait until after your first week of classes to see if you need the book. Then you have books to pay for around the same around the same time. Um, innocent experience, like transitioning from high school and dealing with adult things. Um, you know, give whatever job you can like 7 25 It doesn't matter. If you know you could get a job, you know you can handle it. It's nothing to freak out about because you're not. You're out in the world now, but you're not out there alone. I'm still trying stuff, especially your freshman year, so don't freak out. We do recommend at least looking in getting your foot out there, Especially if you're a business major. What you need first and then let that money accumulate over time. You don't have to spend it every time or all of that. Get your nails done or, um, go buy you some new shoes or something like that. You do need it like that to 50 deposit like that's a 50. Um, I'm having I'm not having trouble, but I am spending a little bit more than I was last semester. Let me explain that real quick because I know there's a lot of you will be 23 people want to transfer blazer books is deposited into your car. I'm not really sure because I don't really use Blazer books, Um, and then also lets you print out papers at these printing chaos that we have, like in the library, in your dorms and all that stuff. Dragon cash is $225 that they were talking about, um, at orientation. Um, unless you really need to do not touch it because that money can roll over to the next semester. Yeah, that's that's That's what happened to me. All that, um, so you swipe once wide today, get in, or you can swipe multiple times. One thing about ones that comments, like, if you are sugar in like we were, um, you don't need to take some food at the cafeteria like you're gonna have to bring plastic containers and that. Now I've actually seen a chef allow students to take out a few things, but you can't just take full. You can fill your cup up, or like, um, one of your personal own. You, you know? Yeah, compare schedules and see what time and what classes people have with you. Um, we took a class together and I think I needed someone to come to a basketball game with me. That's why you get out of your network with different people, might go to people who you would normally stops or anything you might learn something you might like that person or anything like that going back to $90. I just thought about it. Dining dollars can be spent at, um, the food court that's in the Hill Center, which we have Full moon Panera mean bowl. So you might as well say it is, Um, where else? I think that's about it. Like if you run out of all your dining dollars are, well, you're not gonna run out of meals twice before that week. Aria, You will see her on my channel some more And don't forget to like Calm it down below Bobble me O r g y l used the hour you is so don't forget to like I'm gonna describe down below She knows that every time bolus is deuces.