The Woods Housing Community: Maple Hall Dorm Tour!

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There's five with buildings there are named after different types of trees. This room is actually different than what the other rooms air like. Everything's a little bit figure is in other rooms because the catch Correa three bar stools on the table has to TV up there for yeah, watch TV. There's cable from your ballots kitchen. This is went to an individual room for them women, your share. Uh, big hotels in a trash can, but everything else to see it. No. Trying to get the best view comes with this little George into here, and this is for hanging clothes. There's a shelf here, and I used to make use of this room up there that comes with the best. The bed is adjustable by height, so you can actually make the bed low or higher, depending on what you want. I just left it where it was because for me it was unacceptable. Dusk has plenty of storage is absolutely no reason to not. Still you can see that I still have a bit of room left, and I think it comes with Is this three drawers? It's everything I need within some. You probably won't need it as much storage for the bigger puff, your jackets or the or the pants and all that. So I never have to worry about having cheeriest face like this. Q. My tennis stuff, my soccer stuff, all that. You see, there is plenty enough room there's actually two of these units, so that everybody in the place, basically, I think that's how it works for all of them. So that's been a comprehensive tour of a maple apartment style living here in line.