The University of Texas at Austin giving FREE TUITION?

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What does every guys welcome back to my channel? My name is manageable, and if you renew here, hello, I make college videos and I go to the University of Texas Austin. It was a really big surprise about what the university Texas is doing. Starting in the fall of 2020 years, T Austin will cover tuition for students whose families earn up to $65,000 a year. This is a historic moment for the University of Texas at Austin. You haven't already heard University of Texas Austin decided Thio my free tuition for students whose families make less than $65,000 a year and to provide additional assistance to families that make up to $125,000 a year. As a student at the University of Texas Austin, I did not see this coming. There was nothing going on around campus that lead anyone to have a hint that they were working on this. Over the weekend we did learn that they came up with $160 million endowment, which does come from royalties of gasoline and okay, now what is incredible about what you're doing is is acknowledging the fact that the University of Texas has a very sought after degree now. It also is recognizing that financial needs sometimes is the barrier between them receiving such talent. Texas is that students cannot afford to go to University of Texas. Not only is tuition up to $11,000 a year, but that is on top of your living expenses. As someone goes to u T. I am very aware that it is so expensive to live in Austin. My rent for one room in a four bedroom is $1100 a month, and that is before any other living expenses. That's a lot of money, especially for families that are poverty or are just less fortunate. So a lot of students to survive scholarships, grants and loans. The efforts of this is to create a more accessible, higher education and forced against that already. This is something that I believe a lot of schools will now start wanting to implement. It is a great way to break the circle of poverty if they are able to get into UT, which is a job on itself. So by allowing these students to still come to you, T without having to worry about tuition can help break this circle because they will then carry on their education and get a degree from UT. They will have a very high chance of getting a job straight out of college, which could totally change their life. If you're talking about not going to college first days getting your degree, especially from the University of Texas, this is a big deal. Because there are over 44 million borrowers that have been taken out student loans in America alone, there is a collective $15 trillion of student debt in US alone. Shouldn't that is the second highest, eh? It's really awesome that you t is going to be one of the first schools to kind of break this barrier. So my question about all of this is is going to effect the grants that these students are receiving? If the school is giving you free tuition, are they still gonna be giving you all of these grants that they are giving you facts up? If they're paying for the tuition itself, which is one of my biggest concerns because as a student receives grants and loans, all of that money seems school first before any leftover money hits my account. So even though tuition would be free, does it just equal out because you're not getting the same amount of grants? Therefore, you're still receiving the same amount of money because you weren't seeing those grants loans anyway, as we were paying for your tuition. So if you have any idea or and you have a comment on that comic tableau, I really want to know, Do you think this is gonna have that grants that are being awarded to the students? I don't know. Your opinion on this is going to push for other schools. I am so surprised that my school UT Austin is the 1st 1st school to do this. I, um, really excited to see how it all plays out and what this means for the future of education and for the future at UT. I also really want to know. Is this going to outrage the families that are paying more upperclassmen and more milk Osman. I also believe this is going to have an effect on elections. Coming up in 2020 2016 of Bernie Sanders was advocate for free, too, for your college education and a lot of people. So this could affect who people are voting for in elections. If people are wanting more colleges to do this, maybe a little factory runs for office. What all do you think you team giving free tuition is going to effect? Are you happy about it? Are you mad about it? Let me know this video like And if you want more, you see really content. I mean, t raging from how I got in my thoughts and University of Texas and a lot of logs you see inside the scope of what it's like to attend to you t on. So this does not go into effect until fall 20 twenties. We do have a year for things to kind of boil down and figure out what it means exactly. You can go on over to thea manageable dot com to check out my website, and I also just launched my new blawg. Just go to the link in the description or type in the amanda jul dot com and you can read through my newest Lagos.