The ULTIMATE college essentials packing list

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So today I'm going to making my first video in the hole, back to school, Siri's And today, when we share it with you guys, my college essentials and what you should bring with you to college, especially if you're living in a dorm. The first thing you really want to get is a mattress topper, because a lot of people stepped on that bed before you, and it's probably not the most comfortable thing in the entire world. Then also I would suggest getting a cover so they sell these like plastic cover things. I don't know what if they had bedbugs or who knows what happened from those bets before you, so just just cover You know another thing you're gonna want to get for your bedroom of your dorm is sheets, and I would recommend getting like a couple of sets that what you could do your laundry and switch them frequently because it's not really good to sleep in dirty sheets. Another thing I would recommend getting is an area rug. Another thing that I use this past year that I thought was so helpful to have was under the bed storage bins so you could raise your beds. You have more storage underneath, so deftly invest in some storage bands or just bring some old ones from home. Another thing that I found super helpful this past year was a hanging shoe rack hung up in my closet, and it was a really great way for me to store my shoes. It's just those hanging things, putting a closet where you can, like have so little compartments. So for new storage, for sweatshirts of things that don't necessarily wanna hang up, those a really great as well. So another thing that you might want to think about is bathroom supplies. Another thing that people use when they have a communal bathroom is like a shower wrap or a bath wrap. Another thing you should probably get is like a loofa. Try not to bring too much stuff because you're not gonna want to bring, like, every single about the body works body, mist and body wash that you've had forever. You know, just don't bring too much stuff. I think you're gonna wanna bring is cleaning supplies. Another thing that you might forget, but it's really important to bring with you is medicine, so have, like, a little stockpile in your room for any time to get sick, because it's so easy to get sick of college. Just bring like a little stockpile of like Tylenol or Advil or ibuprofen or Tom's Pepto Bismol, like whatever it is, just like bring a little stockpile of a bunch of medicines. If you ever attend dance and then going along with whole medicine thing, also bring your vitamins. Okay, so now I want to talk about the kitchen things that I found most helpful for me and what I think you guys should bring. So first things first get a curing they're so helpful and good to have. I know for a temple we have so many amazing little coffee spot with, like a little bagel hut Richie's and all that kind of thing. Next thing you're definitely gonna want to bring with you to college is a reusable water bottle. You stay hydrated, so definitely bring one of those. Another thing that you're gonna want to bring in the whole kitchen category is for usable grocery bags for when you go food shopping. They helped me so much whether I was bringing clothes back home for winter break or if I was bringing stuff to school. Another thing that you might want to bring with you to school is a coffee mug. Now I wouldn't suggest bringing a ton even if you have a bunch of cute ones, you just got home. So you want to try to, like, limit the amount of stuff that you bring. So definitely just try to bring a little bit of, um, kitchen supplies. Don't overdo it, so definitely bring one or two coffee mugs. It's just for, like, a few 100 coffee in your room and then also may be bringing a coffee tumbler like reusable coffee mug so that you can bring it Thio, bring it with you to class. Another thing that you might want to bring along with you to school for the whole kitchen category is chip clips, said the little clips you put on your feet packages so your food doesn't go bad because you don't want nasty food in your dorm, especially if you don't have kitchen like you keep your snacks and stuff in your room. Now I want to talk about, like office, office by stationary things that you should bring with you to school. Another thing in the whole office category that's really helpful is having a white board. Nothing really crept up on me, and I also like using my white board to write like cute quotes on the top of her, Like you've got this, like, little motivational things just to remind me, you know, that everything's gonna be okay. Or if you need to buy a laptop to begin with, that's probably a good thing to Dio. So maybe get a cute little key chain purse or find when this little slider things that can put it in. Then you probably also gonna want to get a good, sturdy backpack that can hold, you know, your laptop, maybe a tax book and a notebook that would suggest getting too many notebooks, really, each class because biscuits a little out of hand, I really would suggest getting like one notebook with different sections and then also just like a couple of different pens, markers, highlighters, things without sort don't like completely overdo it. So that was all of my school essentials or what? To bring with you to college.