The School Of Management at Binghamton - MY Major and a tour!

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So now we're in Academic A, which is a school of management building, and this is where I go to almost my classes because I'm in the school management, so it's definitely different than other places on campus. It's more specialized and focused on the students and what type of classes they're going to take. I personally think that they offer a lot more to specific students than Harbor does. So come eat with alumni here on basically, like try and market yourself on look for a job opportunities that maybe you would not be offered somewhere else head downstairs where all of the classes are down here. A class is in session right now, but this is a basic statistics or computer quantitative skills classroom. Um, as you can see, it looks like they're probably taking a test or doing a lot of work right now. So I'm not going to, like, sit here in records so they don't think I'm crazy, but also the car around myself. So those kids are taking a test, it looks like, and that's basically like an Excel. So these kids are all sitting here taking a computer class, and there's few computer pods like classrooms that are set up just like that, with simply only computers on nothing else. It's an intro class because I just transferred into us. Uh, my teacher says that this this classrooms normally filled up during our class, and he says that it's his largest class that he has. I think it's around fifty or sixty people s so we basically all set here he goes through slides. We don't really do as much work as you were just seeing in the other class. They looked like they were taking a test because they were all like doing something on XL. But yes, So this is basically really what like a computer class would be like when you're in school management. So this is a school matter Career services they actually offer, like meetings where you could go over your resume and kind of, like, find jobs. It's actually a really great program that the school management has. I can't really bring you in there, but definitely check it out. My class was canceled, so I'll take you on a tour. So this is what a non computer classroom would look like in the school of management. Basically, like, very once again in touch of the professor because these classrooms are smaller and are more specific to each person. So my professor will sit back here and he could see everything that's going on. There's definitely no like cheating or anything that's happening in this room because he can see literally everything in everyone. Um, so the school of management has definitely helped me realize like what I'm specifically into. So you actually have to take, like, pretty wrecked courses which are prerequisites to take other courses in the future. As you take those classes, you kind of realize what you're into. So even if you're not in accounting, the easier they make you take an accounting class. You know, even if you're not a business major, they make you take a business class because you'll realize that it may be. You are into something that you didn't realize you were into, and not only that, but they offer so many awesome things like you can seriously realize so much about, like your future and your career by just speaking to someone who works here, which is really cool. So for the school management, the workload is definitely less than that of a science major happing in ten. So it's still more than what, like someone who's majoring in liberal arts, I would definitely say it's more than someone who's majoring in political science or philosophy or graphic design, other things like that. So to be involved definitely takes a lot like you need to buy suits. So definitely it's definitely more rigorous in terms of the competitiveness of it all. As I showed you, the classes in the School of management are smaller. People don't teach at the School of Management. It's more rigorous hiring, I'd say then for the Harper school, which is just like the main school. So it's definitely more of like a professional workplace. You're not going to be disrespectful to your teachers here or else you'll be. You'll never make it, so it's definitely more professional. You can become friends with your astronomy T. A. That's not gonna happen here. So I know that that sounds terrible, but it's more like a big, big girl stuff.