The learning experience at Gonzaga - With Ajay

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Hey, also now I'm going to talk about the learning environment here. Gonzaga University, I think, the learning environment here, Gonzaga University is really driven by the Jesuit education system, which is up hilariously emphasised throughout the orientation weekend that you will have if you come to Gonzaga University, which is held on the first week that you're here on campus. So the idea of the Jesuit education system is to, like be a well rounded individual, and the school really emphasises that by their cure, cure a person. Alice uh, aspect of their of the school where it really talks about being a well rounded individual and being caring for yourself and what's best for you. AC Gonzaga University it is mostly run similar tow most other undergraduate for your colleges in the nation, where it's mainly held through lectures. A really interesting aspect of Gonzaga University is the because the classes are so small compared to the public's public universities around the nation that you really get to know your professors and your classmates and everyone around you really well. Professors like really want to get to know You and how you're doing and how they could help. They there's always office hours every week, basically every other day. I'd say that Gonzaga does a better job with the faculty to get to know the students and everyone around you really well. Connect all the universities, causes the like small small size and how much I care and the learning environment and the mentality that's built into their head..