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I'm currently on the freshmen Claude, and you can hear something, anything, because there's an event going on right now, it's the walk for mental health, where basically, you slip in and then do a loop around campus. It's just no awareness fundraising event for mental house initiatives on campus on de So you'll see a few tables certain finish behind me. There is also some corn hole and yoga going on more bugs on my phone. This is probably the most central space on campus because the freshmen dorms are located around, and it's just such an open space where there are a lot of major buildings around. So behind me right here is the chapel where a lot of things like convocation and senior Assembly happen on. Then if you see that steeple behind me, that's where the art museum is not in the steeple itself, in a building behind it. Um, really, they're just a lot of important buildings here. That is the library where I'll take you to later. This is really just a space for people to hang out when the weather is nice there the events. Honestly, it's just really a nice open green space. If you need us like a second, Teo, sit down for a little bit and regroup after class. Parts of this quarter, the launches which come out whenever the weather is nice as well as the gorgeous view. Uh, from Memorial Hill, which I'll take you to later as well.