The Center for Environmental and Life sciences

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It's currently seven a. M. I got here really early. I usually get here at this time, but like today, I don't have class. I can show you guys some parts of the school you haven't seen yet. That way you get to the dorms and mature ga bown share to you guys too. This is the computer and information science building right here. We have thesis I ins and Mathematics building right here to the left. Um, I've never had a class in there, but I've been there because they had conferences and everything. Has realized I have a lot of friends that can majors that come here. Then we also does many favorite building after the Feliciano School of Business. That over to show you guys is the center for a Vitamin, environmental and life science. When you go to the rooftop, you can see New York started Pretty. What's going on? Okay, so we're not other rooftop yet, but I want to show you guys to be you from now here. I love it and every time, like that's days nice Right now, it's not really nice, like a fifty something, but there's New York. I come here with my friends, we just hang out like sometimes I just want to be alone and I want to do homework. I come here and I literally do my homework in this bench right here. There's a lot of people that come here, but not a lot. You have to go through a lot of stairs like four floors, so not a lot of people go, which is great because you can go and sit there and relax. There's a rooftop who so we're going to go there next? I'm so tired. A lot of people come here because I have to go there a lot of stairs, but it's worth it because it's really pretty. Not considering there's like, really cool, but I just I remember so the one that showed me this place was Jordon. You already? Madam, it was one of the first weeks of school and we didn't have anything to do. Yeah, we were, like, born and he was like, Hey, do you want to go to the rooftop? Was like, what? And he's like, you've never been there. I was like, No, I haven't introduce me to this beautiful place. He's my best friend and I'm so glad I met him a month there brought me to him. I'm really glad, like, honestly, eyes in college, you're going to meet so many people and a lot of fake people killed, maybe, but really true friends. So next I'LL see if I can take you to the amphitheaters he can get to know her a bit better.