The ACTUAL biggest lecture hall on campus

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This is the biggest lecture hall that we have here in our natural science building here in Ricky. It's just about the size of the other one that we saw the other day in Javier. This holds about one hundred seventy five students. So I guess it is just a little bit bigger than the one in Javier here. Not even the front area was Philip because the two sections there I've never seen this room all the way filled up for different presentations and conferences, different events. That's how one hundred seventy five students and you see the periodic table of the elements here. Behind me, there's two projectors for different presentations and events that happened, but this is another one of the lecture halls that we have on campus. This is very uncommon to see this money chairs in one room. You saw the other one, that tiny classroom, that we had a swell, but this is kind of a big sense that as well. So we're taking you natural signs, especially of those introduction classes. We're gonna head over, take a look at the gym on then also the auditorium.