That's a wrap!

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Today's my last day of finals and my last day of freshman year to they went by too fast honesty. It's okay as my freshman year comes to an end. This story also comes to an end, which is sad, but it's frank, um, before saying goodbye. I just wanted to give you guys some advice for college and everything you're gonna go through at least your freshman year. If you don't know, I just Google a right, my professor and then the name of your professor. It's gonna tell you from one to five, How good is it? How good like your professor is and they don't give you comments of other people have taken the class, so please use it before getting into a cause. Use of resource is, I think university will give you like caps, which is for mental health. Stress relieved like I think you need to talk about writing center to read a paper cam, tutoring math, tutoring like it's not just here, but I'm pretty sure that other universities have it too. So you said if you don't come here, that's fine. Just if you go to another university, you said look for those. We come here to, um study, but also try to get involved. Like, honestly, if you come here, the first thing that everybody's gonna tell you is get involved because it's the best thing you could do. It's not just school worry, school or schoolwork. So violence that and also give yourself some time for you to relax to breathe, because I know that it can be pretty stressful. Most of us the first semester, you know, be like What is this? What? Um I know this is not work. Everybody goes through that because you're still kind of like at equating yourself to college. Honestly, sometimes I used to forget to eat first investor like Oh, my God, You have so much stuff to do Now we'Ll try to balance it with my friends and I would forget to eat And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I haven't eaten since, like, two days ago and your body doesn't notice it Like your body won't tell you because you're you have too much things in your head that you forget. Putting a reminder or your phone now have a reminder. That seeing guys, uh, and also, if you take Friday one of five or more No. Six here among killer police. Obviously, she's kind of crazy at first, but she's like, really nice and hi continously the best professor I've had so far. When you're picking at school like when you are looking through colleges, go to the one where you feel comfortable where you feel like it's your home. Don't go to the one that everybody selling you to go. Go to the one where you feel at home, please, to because four years of your life and you're not going to get them back. So please pick the one where you feel comfortable where you like it. You're like I see myself here because what? I came here, I was like, I see myself here. As you heard in the other interviews with Amy and Ricky, they also felt thumbs like when they came to a day. This is it which is the greatest thing when you have that feeling that you know that you belong. If you come here and you feel like you belong, you don't say kiss, Keep yourselves the chance.