that class commute tho!

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How many people are enrolled? And, uh, this is definitely a large campus. There's, like, thirteen thousand undergrad, so that sounds like a lot, and that is a lot. I feel like it is not that big a true and the fact that, like, this is a closed campus like, it's not like we're, like, straight up in the city or anything. I feel like I see the same people all the time, and so I die. Don't you see, like, brand people all the time, too? But I always run into people I know all the time. Yeah, so like, if a giant campus scares you, if you don't like that, it's I feel like it's not really like that. Yeah, and there's also a lot of people don't actually look on campus. A lot of them out here, teen years, most of them off campus. Yeah, so it's really not as many people like living on campus. There's also a lot of people that commute to. Yes, it like the numbers are bigger than like, How many people actually live on campus? So yeah, so then, as faras classes go like a range, yeah, like there's like Like I said before, there's a five hundred person lecture hall. So really depends on what classes you're taking. The introduction, of course, was definitely like the really large one. Everything like the smaller and, like more intimate. It's like whatever you make of it to honestly,.