Thanks for Being Falcon Awesome!

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What better way to end a tour that ended with my absolute favorite thing, which is a bowling green sunset? I absolutely love the sunsets here, B G It might be one of my favorite things about living here is that I get to see such a beautiful sunset every night, and it really makes it feel like home for me. So I want to close this tour by talking a little bit about why I chose B G s U. So b g was the very first college that I visited. It was at the very end of my sophomore year of high school, and I had absolutely no idea to think I was so nervous. Like if anything was really gonna be expected of me, you know, I was just super nervous about the whole thing. When I got here, everyone was so friendly and made me feel so welcome and just walking around campus, I could really picture myself here. Oh, and I think that's my biggest piece of advice to all of you who are starting your journey of, uh, finding where you're going to spend the next four years of your life. Try your best to picture yourself at the college you're visiting. If you can't do it, then that's not the college for you. You can look at, you know, the dorm's student life. What they have to offer in all of that's super important. At the very end of the day, once you have like your top, however many colleges that cavil of the, you know, check boxes like checked off or you and all the stuff is there and everything you want is there. Ask yourself, Is this home for me? Mpg is definitely home for me. I couldn't ask for a better home to spend my four years of college at. This is because I want other people to know about me to know about BG and to love Bg as muchas I d'oh. Um so really as you look for colleges, look, look for your future home because that's what it really is.