Thank You Campus Reel!

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I hope you believe everything I say because it's true. I hope everybody comes here because nobody here is unhappy with the school. My old school there were so many wonder that we're transferring out and it's just so nice to go somewhere that this is not the case. I was just becoming in COCK. Plus, why would she want to go to school? Khun Sake Cocks all the time may not be appropriate. Working for campus riel and making this these tours was so fine like more fun than I could imagine, especially because people the South so nice like people just come up to me. I was walking and this other girl just started talking to me, too Is choosing who followed? We talked for, like fifteen minutes, and then you know what? The way other people are like, kind of funny and try to pull anything on camera. So you end up kind of making friends and feeling sort of involved people around you, which is really fine. It's also just so fun to shoot things they love. This camp, this is something that I love so much and so just like walking around all the time, seeing it and then being able to see it like through the lens of a camera, trying to figure out what shot was best was like a blast because I'm always thinking, anyway, is that that I could do it and help other people. The process is amazing, and I really hope the people watches and have a better sense of school rather than you know, when they just see the tour. I'm so glad that I found this and I definitely I recommended but my friends to do it, Teo, that like flying in film A and It feels like I'm able to spread the word about my experience in high school so easily with this. What does he do it again, Tonia and you camps room.