Test Prep Advice - ACT, SAT, AP Tests

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Today we are going to be talking about test prep advise with the A, C T s, A T and A P tests. So for the S A T and a C t. My experience was that I took both of them. The way I got those scores was through doing a lot of practice tests I just bought, like the Princeton new practice book, which is, I think, the best one. Just, like, go through and just do the test again and again and again and even doing the same problems, but times in a row will really help it. You're more like nature on test are definitely agree. My friends was the A team city was different. I took the S a T once because my school sponsored testing paid for everyone and I did not like it. I got a little scores, so I decided to take the a C T, which they also paid for the first time, and that first A. C T actually got really good scores in two sections, but the rest was pretty mediocre. So I took it five more times, which is a lot and a big waste of money. I ended with gross floor of 32 but I would say Don't spend as much money as I did not taking this test. I met a school that doesn't even take these tests anymore. If you're going to study, actually take the time to put in the work and practice problems because you're paying a lot of money to these times. Yeah, the test, I would say to take the most seriously is a P test because it has the most direct benefit to you. So I've gotten out of, like, almost 2/4 worth of classes just for my AP scores, which especially at a private school, saves you a ton of money. So those are the tests are really worth studying for, in my opinion, Oh, yeah, I definitely definitely agree. This could help you out so much once you get to college and also it can keep you from taking these really annoying Jennette credits that you don't even need for your degree. So definitely take as many pieces as you can and try and do as well on the test that you possibly can. That's it for this video and we'll see you guys in the next one.