TCU Traditions

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Now we're going to talk a little bit about T c's traditions. Right now I'm standing in front of frog Frog Fountain is one of those things that we see where you just walk by and you feel so good because each of the little lily pad stands for something different. So the top one represents the seniors, and all their knowledge trickles down to the junior sophomores and fresh, which is just so true at TCU because you have people of all different ages in your classrooms and all their knowledge truly does trickle down. Everyone wants to help each other here, which is just so amazing and so evident in the types of people who come to Teo there so caring and loving and everyone really just don't have a good time. A TCO. So some other traditions that we have to see you are the Christmas tree lighting. This is where a lot of the students will hang out when it's a little bit right here outside. Um, there's a Christmas tree lighting that happens down there. Um, and we light it before Christmas break and there's cookies and hot chocolate and a bunch of different, um, alumni come in and they bring their kids and it so much Fine. This year we had Johnny Slim come and perform at the Christmas tree lighting. The Serie also had yes again game day on this one, which was amazing on DSO. Everyone stayed up all night, pretty mention tented out in the Commons, which was great. Um, and then another tradition that we have is pre match is going to football games on Saturdays. Everyone and the loves to go to football games and tailgates for the school even hosts a tailgate. So you don't have to worry about not having a tailgate get. Teo can go to whichever one you want with your friends. Here you see, there's always something going on. So in the spring, I know we have a concert coming up. Um, and then We also had DNC come this past year, which was amazing. People come to TCU and there's a bunch of traditions that we hope you'll come join us.