TCU Athletics Go Frogs!

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So now we're walking into the athletics area of TCU. You, Khun, see way just crossed the road over there. So we're going from the residential area into the athletics area, and this is kind of what it all looks like, So much greenery. This is like the bass, not baseball basketball stadium, and then the football stadium, and then baseball is that way a while away. Um and I know we have a water sports here, so it's kind of hard to keep track of all of them, But this is pretty much where all the athletes hang out. We're going to go into the football stadium on DH. This is where a bunch of T C students will hang out. So Saturdays in the fall are pretty much reserved for football, and this is weird. I came from a school where we really didn't have very many sports. Um, so to see at the school spirit here is unrealistic. I kid you not is covered with, like, people tailgating and just taking out before the game on DH. Then students, we get in through these gates on DH, students get free tickets to go to the games. I don't know if I said that before, but we can go, Teo. So here we'll head on into you at the football stadium. I thought at that point we were number four in our division. We were number four in the car, Andrea for college football, which was fantastic and like, How cool is it that you get to go to a small school and have teachers know you and students know you really well on being community, But you have a phenomenal, like, huge school football, so right now you can see the stadium. This is how is on and we're on student side right now. So when you come for student air for games, pretty much you will be sitting in the student section and the student section is in the middle on the fifty yard line in these first rose. So my first football game, I was sitting in the second row on the fifty yard line, like, How crazy is that? All you have to do is just get here early and then you get seats. Um, something at football games is there's so much spirit, which I know I talked about before, but like it is pumping. Everyone loves Tzu We're doing are like fight song. That's the Frogs frogs of And there's children leaders and showgirls. I have a roomie who's an athletic training major, so I get to see her on the field, and that's just so cool. When it's not football season, you'll see people working out. So I think there's a guy he's running the stairs over there. My roomie and I sometimes will run the stairs for workouts, and anyone can come into the stadium whatever. As long as there's just no football practice going on, which is so great and you truly get to be a part of t u all the time. Um, pretty much you can come to games and get free shirts.