Talking to my roommates about life at Cal!

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Um, I'm from Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley, and I'm a molecular and cell biology major Berkeley. Bust a long last name um, I went to high school and free want for four years, and now I'm pursuing either Congress of science, data science or computer signs at Berkeley. What do you think that's likely being like does not sit on your major? I think that there's a lot of room to explore, especially in cow. Living together is not a hard decision, but I mean, definitely, like there's still a lot of space to like, explore. Like at the moment of everything that I've done so far, like biology has been my favorite, and I'm hoping to pursue like biology research or like bioengineering research, kind of like to tap into that more creative side of science that allowed people don't really talk about because lot of come see the major's tend Tio go into prima as a professional career. What are your favorite in the spirit count? Um I think my favorite part is how much food and also I guess I could be a least favorite part coz I'm so broke right now, Hell, like there's so much good food all around like, it doesn't matter where you're from, Like, they probably have it here. Like a lot of Asian food, there's like an entire like plaza full, like different restaurants called, like the Asian ghetto. Every time I get, every time I see a bus that its doors are open I just want to get on the bus and like they like Just go, just go just go on and like, Just see where it takes me And so I feel like I've been toe like multiple times since the beginning of the semester. It's just like every time that something you, even though I go to the same place, and it's like there's so much to explore and, um, Yeah, I also really like the fact that the campuses Berkeley is unique in that compared to other college campuses, it's like the city and the campus are kind of like, intertwined. Even though there's like a clear border where like the city and we're like the campus begins, its not like other colleges, college campuses, words like there's like a path leading into the campus and the cities was kind of separate. It's like there's like no spaceman between it and I I really like that aspect of it because gimmicks and it makes it more interesting that you're not always surrounded by college. Good, like there was actual people that live in Berkeley like you'll see like people that are not college kids like children and, like like elderly people. I mean, I personally, like, think it's a little toxic Sometimes we're like, I mean, you probably heard like Berkeley's very academically competitive and that I feel like that kind of pressure is like wanting to some people because it's difficult to like sixteen when you don't know how to reach out for help, because everything is a competition, I guess, especially in somewhere like popular majors like Mom C s or M C. B. But for sure, it like there are resources that you can like, reach out to, to get help for academically or otherwise. There are definitely people that are like super duper Nice, like Regardless I feel like on like the first impression of Berkeley is that it's very academically competitive. You'll definitely find, like, very nice people on, like people like you can study with and, um, you know, just like, actually make friends. It's like not uncommon anymore, I guess, like they're people awake at all hours and like outside, doing things like whatever it is they're doing, man. Unlike orientation, people will talk about like, how did they know to like drinking and drugs? If you don't enjoy if you like, I feel I don't feel comfortable doing that kind of stuff, but it's just like hard to avoid. I feel like I don't know if it's like, exclusive to Berkeley, but I think that even though, like explicit, pure pressure is addressed, there's always like an underlying like people expect that everyone parties and drinks and like smokes weed. I feel like at first, like the quality of people here. Like high, like the standard is so high, it's kind of intimidating to meet people sometimes because completely agree. You're getting like like top percentages of people from different high schools in different places and, like, I don't think that I would get in. I did it like just knowing that, like the other people that got in and decided to come here, I like like top students, and it's just like I'm surrounded by all these, like amazing people. That is kind of intimidating sometimes, but you like to learn to realize that people are all different and not necessarily better than one another. Yeah, it's like I feel like that's kind of a thing, that I'm going in Berkeley students just because there's always so many like amazing people are, like, amazing and accomplished. Yeah, it's really easy to feel, like, undermined or inferior, I think. Yeah, And personally, I feel like that actually helps me, like, do more, because if I hear about wonderful people, I feel like crap. Maybe I should fill it up with some studying because look at all the people out there like they're doing great and, like, Wow, they're even going to going to the gym. I know, but I also think it's like, shouldn't measure your success, but other people's success. Yeah, something that was really hard for me to overcome was to stop comparing myself to other people. There's a lot of, like, very impressive people. You wouldn't know that until you, like, come and experience the culture yourself because, like a lot of people, we'll apply to, like, all the use season. Like if you don't really know what the culture is like a brick when you don't know, like what it is, whether or not it's right for you because I feel like a lot of people feel like they don't belong here, and I feel like they could have made better choices. I just feel like some people wouldn't be as comfortable as they would in another university. Um, I assimilated pretty quickly, but then I feel like, um, either way, like you should definitely be ready, too. Like, um, you're definitely going to get to know a lot of really cool, accomplished, passionate people from different backgrounds. Like at the end of the day, like these things are all like chances for youto grow, I guess and I feel like in that way, Brickley is great, because there's always it feels like there's always room for improved, and there's always like a next reachable goal. Uh, wait, Okay like, I feel like the environment that Berkeley cultivates is kind of like makes people very independent. I feel like I keep saying this about, like, the campus of other schools and like the campus of Berkeley. Like, do you like, I don't know, just deal with a lot of like, adult things that I feel like a lot of other universities wouldn't have to steal is just because of like, how it is you geographically. You feel like the people not coming to Berkeley are, like, end up being a lot more in the independent No. Three closing words? I don't know.