Take a look at the Dining Area!

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So after you get your food, you come on out here to where the main people come to eat. This is our main dining area here on campus as well. Get all your condiments and then lots of different places to sit around when it's nice there seating outside as well. That's available TV with different seating all the way over here are means circle. So this time of day, before we get ready for the dinner rush, people come in here and sit and study, maybe snack on some food. You know, sell their computer final, quiet spot to sit. You know, one of my favorite places in here is well, especially when the weather is nice. Some of these nice couches here make a great option to kind of come and said so, Yes, it's kind of one of my go to places for foods and was even to study. You know, if I'm not in the library and one of the study room, sometimes I'll come here, hang out with some of the people and get some work done.