Sustainable Living in College

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As you guys know, I make videos here and there on sustainability environment, environmentally friendly living type of situations and stuff. Just being very environmentally conscious and mindful about what I bring into my dorm and into my life, I guess, as a coach, students, I think, is such a primary pivotal whatever age of starting to live by these things that you can learn these habits and get in the swing of them. We're educated on so many things, obviously, but specifically this and you guys are educated me all of the time, all the time, and it makes me so happy. Like he has comment like articles which keep doing it about certain things I mentioned. I don't mention, and then I need to be aware of, so that is what I hope being I'm doing for you guys, if you are aware of these things also feeding my channel. So just these things are not talked enough balance YouTube and I think people should be using the platform for many reasons. Spreading warned us about this topic because it's very serious and very urgent, and not a lot of people are doing it and where I live Megan Hughes are two of my favorite people who talk about these topics. I'm going to talk about ways I was called student like to and a great sustainable living and how you guys can to, um, please work with me with the lighting and I'm in federal window. I talked about this type of thing and I mentioned a lot of ways at home. So one thing that I've learned is that paper is compostable, and I did not know that. Not that that means that we need to buy paper things. It's also good to know, in a sense, but it also I think, is important to get glass, kitchenware and just glass in general. So that's obviously like a you know, no brainer like That's just something I feel like we should invest it in college students and not so much is like, um, single use things that are just their way. I know it's a lot easier and cheaper his college students, but as a cheaper no, that's a lot. It's just easier to just is there things away? But, um, so I guess first off you're saving money, but also it's not that hard to wash dishes. Um you know, you just washer and that's, you know, the miracle worker. I want you guys to watch her video cause it's very concise and, um pensive and very just informative. I don't want to just, like, talk over that when I could just say some other things are important things and that she does mention that it is a very important aspect is that we don't focus on reducing using we it's recycling and like half the time, our shed doesn't even get recycled cause we don't clean it out and we don't clean out the liquids from Italy food or whatever it is, it's on it. Our stuff is going and pretty much landfill just to make a long story short, but that it is our duty to make sure we know or recycling and make sure we clean out those products because it is so, so important. I also think that it would be amazing to have compost bins like around the city and stuff because we don't hope is a good job, like having things like recycling late. Whatever it took a lot of different little things that you can like put your stuff in. Um, I think that is also very, um, worth very much worth doing. Or you have to pay to get them, Which I know why you don't. Like, you have to pay for two bags, which is, um, what I also really enjoy. Um, yeah, but you guys put out all those home things that are plastic in my dorm, which I am working on it and like, it's rightfully so. Um, other things that I know that I've helped are just reusable grocery bags if you do grocery shop, because that's just like easy, Okay? It's like a one time spending. It is just very easy to think that it's, you know, buying classic things. It's cheaper because it is because making things that go friendly, it costs more money. It is worth it in the long run when you know what's going on and you're actually dedicated. End of that stuff's just yeah, but some other things that I do highly recommend doing is with your cleaning supplies to get glass bottles. If you buy things in bulk, which mostly do come in plastic, Um, hopefully recycled plastic. If you buy from those type of cos you can use the glass bottles, you know, get less what, like plastic? You know, I'm saying so, Yeah, that's also worth investing in, but those were some things, and I kind of was thinking about other things. Then I completely forgot about just products and companies to buy from that are doing things right. So you this is an easy research and like you don't need me to tell you these things, but I was talking Thio, Olivia, Mother's friends here and a sweet mate about Dr Bronner's and just this amazing company that's just doing great things, understand post in stores yet cylinder bottles and paper labels. All that kind of stuff would just say for the environment safer if I do that along with laundry things as well, because that all like micro plastics and all that obviously get in the water. She's more so that just are made out of like, um, like reusable, like cotton or whatever that is. That obviously it's not on Lee just giving these workers poor conditions than just completely like, um, I come complete global issue and problem for these workers, but also for the environment because of the vibrant dies and toxic chemicals that they use in abundance towards the's, an atom mass rate looking a mass and a fast taste and in a mass of consumption you don't intend saying so that because they're obviously just trying to keep up with the trends and keep it, you know, like just pump things out for consumerism is, and people who are giving into this system, which I am guilty of, and not as much as I was. I mean, ho is reaching everybody honestly of different ages and, like, just, you know, lighting like turning on a light switch or whatever in your head. But, um, for those who are trying to save the point a little bit, um, I hope this ignited some passion in you and some care because just because we don't see it, which we do see, we see in our oceans being washed up. So if you have any other information that you feel the need to get out their share No. Like, I don't know if that makes a point or not. Just common it on this kind of topic, because I would love to read, um, and yeah, any other brand you guys buy from, let me know some stores, but yeah, that's just important.