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So this is huge In library, it's a library for are rare book collections, and this is Lamont Library. Mama is one of the most commonly used library's. A lot of students have a love fondue or rather stressful memories. I actually pulled three all nighters already in this library. The this window faces a cafe area and cafe can be used in these board, plus on copies. So boy Plus is something is sixty five dollars that you get on your ID card on every semester and it transfers over to the next semester, but not over to the next year. Then it's gone for next year, so you get sixty five dollars a semester and you can use that, um on cafes, certain certain business, like restaurants of food places at Harvard Square and other places like that. Sixty five dollars really comes in to use when it's like one a m in the morning. You're you need that extra jolt of like energy. So you go to Lamont, get yourself a little donut and coffee and it it's really refreshing. Yeah, that's a month, and Houston is not as commonly used, but it's tough. It's one of the few libraries that's open to the public so long, people like going in there. So if you ever visit campus, I'm going to see you can't go in there.