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So I just want to talk to you a little about, um, like fresh, been advising. The first thing means Support Network is the freshman dormitory. So the freshman dormitories are composed of different entry weeks, right? Hollis has Hollis North and Hollis staff, and they both make up different entry ways. We have thirty people in Hollis North, and we have, like, different injury means we have weekly study breaks. This is all organized by your proctor and your past, um, who are assigned to each entryway. So your proctor is like a graduates doing or someone like I told you earlier, who lived with you in the dormitories. They live in a dorm room in the same entryway as you. If you're having any like roommate issues or anything like that, then we have something called path which is pure advising fellows. What dare do What And parted and paths are upperclassmen who work with the freshman to give them advice about how to choose classes. Have you just have to do college? My path has been particularly useful to meet. Um, we'll just have to survive college and, yeah, so another bake like advising advisor. You hot as a freshman is someone called your academic advisor My academic advisor? It's very, very kind. She goes out of her way to meet up with me for lunch is a means of me just so that I could talk to her about how my college has been going on. We also have different people, like a town nine ambassadors, diversity ambassadors. We have mental health counselors enduring free of charge or included in your health beat that you pay at the beginning of the school year. We have something called Room thirteen, which is open all night long, so you can always knock on their door. They're upperclassman and yeah, so it's very useful. There's also different sectors of the Jersey LGBT Q Center. Very different centuries were like minority groups and things like that. If you ever feel uh that you need additional support, they're there for you.